To Catch a Dollar

To Catch a Dollar

Movie Info


To Catch a Dollar, a 2010 Sundance Film Festival selection, documents the birth of Grameen America and the effort to bring Nobel Peace Prize winner and Presidential Medal of Honor winner Muhammad Yunus's revolutionary microfinance program to the United States. The film features stories of women borrowers from around the world -- with a focus here in the U.S. on the plight of those struggling to save. It also educates viewers about the potential for microfinance as a solution to a number of these pressing social challenges.

Lastly, the film provides clear and sustainable calls to action that extend the reach of the film and its stories beyond the theater and into the lives of those who are living in poverty -- and those who can help.

Special One Night screening Thursday March 31 - Find a theater near you

The event, made possible by support from Google, the Hilton Foundation and others, will include a captivating panel moderated by CNBC