

Movie Info




From the filmmakers of the Sundance Award Winning movie FUEL, comes the new award winning documentary FREEDOM. In the aftermath of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Louisiana native Josh Tickell and his wife Rebecca Tickell take an international journey to investigate alternatives to fossil fuels.

FREEDOM offers an array of green solutions and tackles the food vs. fuel debate separating facts from hyperbole. We learn about advanced biofuels like cellulosic ethanol, plug in hybrids, and other sustainable technologies that could fulfill our transportation needs.

With insightful and inspiration interviews from Singer/Songwriter Jason Mraz, International author Deepak Chopra and actors Michelle Rodriguez, Amy Smart and Ed Begley Jr, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, and former NATO Commander Wesley Clark, FREEDOM invites people to not just get mad, but get motivated.

Above all, FREEDOM calls for a revolution in how we live. Inevitably we must shift the types of houses and cities we live in. We must rethink the way we work and change the way we treat each other and the planet. And most importantly, we must transform ourselves
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